Friday, January 11, 2008


Well we're several weeks into the new year and the "official" reviews of various Christmas services from churches all over the country are "in." I certainly haven't watched them all. Actually, in their entireties, I haven't watched any of them. I'm five minutes into Granger Community Church's service, and I had to give you the link.

I can't vouch for the whole service, but now I'm 6-1/2 minutes in and it's still fabulous. If you don't have time, or don't care to watch the whole thing, just
watch the first four minutes. Please.

It's an "instructional video" about how to properly use the candles. It's hilarious. There are some stinkin' creative people at GCC.

Now I'm 8-1/2 minutes in and I still dig it. Go check it out. Seriously. Now. You should be there now. Stop reading and click.

1 comment:

Alex Mosley said...

This is a greatt post