Saturday, January 19, 2008

we make hoodies

We were home last Saturday evening. I finished a hoodie I was working on. It's one of two like it in the world. The first one's mine, this one's for sale ($40). It's currently on display in the Switch cafe. It's a Small; I'll make a Medium next unless someone wears a Large and really wants one.

I don't know why that picture is so yellow.


Timothy got inspired. Initially he asked me to make him a Jesus Heals Emo hoodie, but either he didn't want to wait, or he wanted something completely original, or he was bored. He made one himself:

It's a pleseosaur.


KnowYourGod said...

Sweet hoodies, if i had $40 i would so get one. all the stuff you guys make rocks.

11101100 said...

That's pretty cool. When are you guys making brown ones that say "PRAY." on them?

God's Love Changed Everything said...

Sooooooooo cute!
I am especially giggling over Timothy's. I luv!


Tami said...

ha ha ha! righteous. timothy created a cryptid hoodie. :) i'm impressed. and lex, i'm blown away by your creative prowess...and prowess it is. jesus DOES heal emo, and i believe that hoodie could become a great conversational catalyst. very, very cool.

Lex said...

Titus that's strange that you ask 'cause I bought ribbon yesterday that I have every intention of using for a "pray" hoodie.

It'd be black though. 'Cause we have boxes of black hoodies.

The Academy Against Apathy said...

Plesiosaur, it's Plesiosaur........
I'll sell mine for $35 bones, to people I like. I'm even going to put a Genesis 1:21 reference on it.

I already have a commissioned Sasquatch riding a Plesiosaur, and waving. I don't know if I can justify it with a biblical refrence. It's Ridiculous.

11101100 said...

OK Lex,

Let me know when you get that done. If you are interested in selling it, I would be interested in supporting your ministry.
