Monday, June 26, 2006

It's Time

A month ago the Lord was really speaking to me about how this summer is going to be a time of exponential training and equipping for anyone who will take hold of it. My spirit was on fire and I encouraged everyone I know who's in the Lord to really buckle down these next few months. I guess I forgot to really encourage myself.

I had a dream last night that kind of woke me up - not literally. I know I'm not as ready as I need to be for the things that are coming, but it's almost like I've said that so many times that I've unconsciously accepted it as the norm. Step one is recognizing that you're not strong enough, but step two is diving into the Word and into prayer, fasting, etc. I guess I've been hanging out at step one for too long.

It's time to get to it. So I repent for being half-hearted, Lord, and am hereby rededicating myself to study and prayer. I will schedule my days around You and not You into my days.

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