Friday, June 16, 2006

Don't Slip

I was hanging out with a couple of the girls from our Jr. High youth group yesterday evening. One of the girls started telling me about a conversation she'd had with another kid in which he admitted he doesn't really like youth group so much anymore.

We've heard these reports before, of course, and always the initial reaction is, "What are we doing wrong?" We pray and brainstorm about how we can engage them more, speak their language more, excite them more ... Yesterday that started to creep up on me, but it was squashed immediately and the phrase in my head was, "Many will fall away."

It was this little revelation that developed as I talked it out to the girls. When our youth group was getting off the ground a few years ago we were hip, we were cool, we were trying to draw kids in, plan events and outings, etc. It's my conviction that Holy Spirit is bringing our entire church body into a deeper place, including the youth ministries. He's preparing a bride, regardless of age, and making His people ready. It's going to get challenging. It's going to get harder. It's going to get awkward at times, and eventually it's going to take everything you have just to stand.

Don't give up because it's not fun all the time. We have to be tested before we can pass.

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