Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I'm at a spiffy conference in Bolingbrook - in a church my boss designed. Sweet. If you're interested at all in church facilities, or creating relevant ministry I'll be blogging my notes from the sessions here. In the meantime, this is a funny video that Bill Couchenour used to illustrate the emerging generation.


Anonymous said...

funny video, i'm not entirely sure of the correlation being made, but it is funny, something i would do. and a cute picture of you also, i dig the necklace

Tami said...

that was totally awesome. i did not expect that ending. :)

Lex said...

The speaker was talking about teenagers and young adults (the "emerging generation" - I can send you my white paper if you want) and mentioned, "And they're smart. Probably smarter than you." Cue video.