Friday, March 09, 2007


I was set free this afternoon - dually.

There was this situation that I'd been praying about being free from. Freedom at a certain point was guaranteed, but I was really petitioning the Lord to perhaps speed it up if it was alright with Him. It happened this afternoon ... but not any of the myriad of ways I'd daydreamed about, and rather than the waves of relief I expected to feel at that moment, I got a little offended.

So I was talking to the Lord about it while I mopped my kitchen floor. The dialogue went something like this:

HS: Well, you wanted to be free of it, didn't you? And isn't this perfect timing?
me: Ya, but I didn't want it to happen that way.
HS: Why not?
HS: Because it made you look bad in the eyes of men?

Oh ya. Hmm. So I'm good now. Free and loving it.

And, you know - as a little PS, here - what a good God that even in the process of a little answered prayer, He gives us avenue to grow.

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