Friday, March 30, 2007

fasting and lava lamps

Revelation on fasting: God doesn't owe me anything for my empty belly.

I initially had that revelation months ago when I took over the Switch worship team. After one particularly dry Friday night I decided to fast the entire following week - Monday through Friday (probably more out of desperation than anything else). I did it and I prayed earnestly and I can say my heart was in the right place in that I really wanted the people who come Friday nights to meet God during worship. I secretly had this idea, that I didn't know I had until it was all over, that if I fasted all week God would just have to do something. Friday night came and went and it was dead. Eureka.

So I've known that, and even before that happened I knew that. If you'd asked me, "Does fasting twist God's arm?" I would have said, "Of course not!" Now it's in me, though. Again, I have been fasting and fervently petitioning Holy Spirit for some intervention tonight, BUT I'm now doing so ... more humbly, I guess.

On a totally unrelated note, you have to check this out: prayer lamp. It's a virtual lava lamp designed to add a different element to your prayer life. At first I was just playing along, but when I started to type out my prayer I really had to think about the wording I was using. Was I even praying Biblically? It'll definately make you focus - and it's fun.

1 comment:

KnowYourGod said...

the lamp is really cool. interesting music. i thought about your previous blog on postmodern thoughts the bit about how this generation is so open to spiritual things is dead on, they are out there right now at cafe's and bookstores looking up angels and light and signs and talking about invoking demons but no christians entering the conversation, Lord help us.