Thursday, November 16, 2006

i get it!

It's great (and sometimes irritating to the flesh, if I can just be perfectly honest) when the Lord is really trying to communicate something to you. Of course, the Lord probably shouldn't have to really try to communicate something to me, because I should just listen and hop on board the first time. That was an epiphany right there.

Last Sunday Tim handed us a sermon CD from when Jay Fallon spoke at faith week last March. Title: The Power of Being with Him. Conviction confirmed.

A week ago yesterday Pastor gave a wonderful message on how NOT to respond to the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Conviction corrected.

Monday night I had my trying time with the Holy Spirit and painfully worked some things out of my heart. Conviction ceded.

Yesterday afternoon I listened to a message titled Christ Followers by Shea Strickland at Word of Life Church. Conviction combusted.

Last night Pastor touched on the issue of subtle rebellion and how it prevents the Holy Spirit from working in our lives. (And in case you weren't there last night - this Sunday's going to be a "humdinger" of a service - that's a direct quote. I recommend a lot of repentance between now and then, and make sure you come Sunday morning with a teachable spirit.) Conviction conspicuous.

I got up early again this morning to pray. I was doing it and then I slacked off, but I'm back. I repented a lot myself. I finally finished David Brainerd's diaries, and now the book that's next to my Bible in my messenger bag is Rees Howells' biography subtitled: Intercessor. I'm afraid to crack the cover ... seriously.

Is this anyone else? I'm sure it's not just me the Lord is calling into a deeper place of prayer and intimacy in this hour. Anyone?


Anonymous said...

Hi Lex: It's interesting how the Lord deals with us, gentle but firm.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you! God has been correcting me and reminding me of things I know in my head but haven't been doing in my heart. Then, this morning, a dam broke open. I don't want it to stop. I want everything God has for me. I pray He gives me grace, faith and endurance. I get the impression I will need them all! :D
Love ya, Bianca
PS Can we get together Sunday afternoon? I might still have some steak ;)