Thursday, July 27, 2006

... Four ...

I think my mind is being renewed regarding this trip. I find that when I pray about it, or just think about it even in passing, it's almost like it's business. In a tough-guy-starring-in-a-'90s-action-movie sort of way, but not at all cheesy because there's nothing cheesy about my God. I'm excited and I know it's going to be fun, but at the same time it's like I'm being prepared to take no prisoners. I'm anticipating powerful things, and I'm nearly to the point of spiritual violence over it. (I say "nearly" because I know there's a level of spiritual violence I haven't even dreamed of yet.) At the rate I'm going, in four more days I may be ... I hope I'll be ready to pick a fight.

In the natural, Timothy took a turn for the worse yesterday with that bug he's fighting. This morning saw a renewed strength, though, so he'll be fine by take-off.

1 comment:

KnowYourGod said...

all i can say is Amen. we are in the same spirit and i know Exactly what you are talking about.