Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Author

I forget sometimes that God is an author - and a best selling author at that. If anyone knows metaphor, personification, allusion, etc it's the Lord.

With that understanding these past few weeks, I've found the world much more interesting. It's not cheesy or over-analytical to consider the odd little things we encounter day to day, because as Christians we have the assurance that Christ is directing our paths. There's not a moment of the day that He forgets you because He's working with someone else. When I'm having a rough day and I glance down at my feet in time to notice a sole ant dragging a dead caterpillar across the sidewalk, I know that the Holy Spirit sees it to and we chuckle at it together.

It's also pretty easy to let our society convince us, on some subconsious level that we don't always see right away, that God is haughty, or arrogant, or stoic, or boring, or all of the above. If God didn't have a sense of humor, there would be no laughter; if God weren't playful, there would be no weekends.

That makes things not only more interesting, but way more fun. A few nights ago the Lord knew someone was planning a fireworks display, and He beat them to the punch. We stood out on a friend's back porch to watch the most amazing symphony of heat lighting I've ever seen, and perhaps 10 minutes into it the fireworks started. It was so embarassing we laughed, and I'm sure that's what He was going for. He's a Father who likes to show off in front of his children who love Him.

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