Tuesday, December 23, 2008


I'm doing it. I'm moving to Wordpress. Their templates are hideous (although I found one that's amusing-ly appropriate) and I can't stand CSS, but I want "The Esther Project" and their behind-the-scenes stuff is great.

So it's not all set up yet, but it's not like I'm any kind of professional or anything. Change your bookmarks and links (please) to:


If I ever find time to blog again, it'll be there!


Anonymous said...

blog list changed...check!

Anonymous said...

Good luck with the transition!

Lex said...

Thanks to both of you! See you at WordPress! :)

Craig S said...

NVA say wordpress stinks :P it rocks theres millions of themes lol. :P and once you know CSS you'll wonder how you could live without it (though coding a wordpress theme is a new experience you'll either like or hate).