Wednesday, September 03, 2008

chime in, here

Jesse Phillips left a comment on the last post (ya, a week ago ... I know):

"Interesting thoughts. I'm bummed b/c I think this stuff is totally true - I love that I'm seeing it more, I want the rest of the body to catch-up to this idea, they don't seem to realize it. We're not loving people, Lex. What do you think is causing this? What is the solution?"
I agree that a lot of it is true, and that Christians should see it. Not arguing that at all.

As for the solution. I know what I think is the solution, but what do you people think? I know you're out there. Hit counters don't lie, and I'm interested to hear what you think is going on and what the body of Christ should do about it. I'll tell you what I think in a day or two.


KnowYourGod said...

i think that the church has fallen asleep, ya know when you have eaten too much, partied too much, sat in a pew too much- you fall asleep, the church has received freely so much and we just ate it all instead of replanting some of those seeds, instead of scattering them for other to also freely receive. more to come...

KnowYourGod said...

more is come. continued from before... I agree with Corey Russell who said " I believe we are making people worthless when there is not the creating of a sense of urgency". We are fat and happy christians who are comfortable with God's "good blessings" when we should be hungering and thirting for our Lover to show Himself strong in all the Earth. We should be fasting and weeping and praying that God we give us a revelation from heaven and then that He would give us a voice like Paul, Moses, Elijah, Anna, Priscilla, Peter at so on. One of Jesus' last requests to the Father was that we would know Him like He knows Him and that we would be ONE. how can we accomplish this 1-3 hours a week in some lethargic church programs?