Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Seeds of Glory

Here I am, home from the most amazing two weeks of my life, struggling with the race set before me. I know that my Lord has an amazing plan for my life, and as long as I'm in His will I'm in the best place I can be. At the same time, though, so many of my friends are taking Forerunner classes or planning to spend months in some amazing missionary ministry. I spend nine hours a day in a retirement planning office and otherwise struggle to find time to draw close to the Lover of my soul.

But this is not a pity party, b/c - like I said - I know there's no better place I could be than in His will. It's just something I've been struggling with these few days I've been back, but I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3)!

It also helps that when I checked my email after two weeks, I got a super-encouraging note from a dear, sweet sister of mine. I love the way God uses our brothers and sisters in Christ, b/c sometimes you can know all the right things but it just helps to hear it from someone else.

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