Tuesday, May 23, 2006


Several months ago we got a call in the middle of the night from a friend in California, begging Timothy to call his older sister. One of her two very young daughters had been diagnosed with cancer and was under a series of uncomfortable - and sometimes painful - treatments. Her husband had recently returned from Iraq with an almost pornographic spirit of bloodlust attached to him. She was broken and hurt, and feeling so alone she'd decided to file for divorce. Timothy called and they talked for about an hour while I prayed. She got baptized in the Spirit that night, and He - through that perfect prayer language - has restored everything that was taken from her. We got the following email yesterday:

"I wanted to let you know that [my husband] and I continue to do really good and our walk with the Lord is getting more beautiful with every passing day. [Timothy], the night that I talked to you on the phone changed my whole life. Our marriage has done a complete 360 ever since that night. God is soooooo AWESOME!!! I have never known life to be this wonderful and this beautiful. I have so much peace and feel so much content everyday. I have a wonderful husband and I am so happy that I can see the light. God has really blessed me and my family.

"[Our daughter] is doing wonderful. She is healed and we live our life as we did before she got sick except with live it for God, not ourselves, and we live it with so much more happiness than we ever could have dreamt. It's a new life for all of us. We've been given a second chance and we are so incredibly thankful."

Hallalujah! There's no estranged marriage, no sick child, no broken home that Jesus can't heal.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Man these things you're posting are awesome! Keep on posting! I'll keep on reading! =)