Thursday, July 31, 2008

randomness 'cause my brain is fried

First some videos.

This one just cracks me up. I still despise Verizon, but this is funny.

There are a tone of these here. Check out the street preacher one. It's hilarious.

What can I say? Mainstream marketing is going gorilla and they're good at it.

Finally, a trailer for a movie about a graffiti artist. I'm interested.

And - because I know you're curious - here are some of the random thoughts that are floating around in my brain:

One. I think Obama is the false prophet. I don't think he has it in him/meets the requirements to be the complete incarnation of the antichrist spirit that's going to wreak havoc here in a bit, but I tell you what: When that man has some sort of spiritual awakening and starts following a charistmatic religious leader who can work lying signs and wonders ... everyone will follow. I'm only partly kidding.

Two. The answer, for the last time, is Sin. For goodness sake. I've come across so many articles/blog posts/comment wars just in the past week about people losing their faith because they were exposed to corruption in the Church. Or because they just couldn't get over tens of thousands of children orphaned by AIDS. Why? How? (I'm being very melodramatic in my head right now.) Yes, those things are terrible, and not Christ-like, and the rest of us Christians disagree whole-heartedly.

But come on, you lost your faith because of it? Because of people? You lost your faith in an uncreated, beautiful, self-sacrificing, humble God because some very created, finite, horrible people happen to know of the same God? Knock it off. 'Cause if that's how we're going to play, I no longer believe in the U.S. government. Or our armed forces. Or local business, 'cause my husband had a run-in with a really rude bicycle repair shop owner last week. So now I will no longer ride my bike - despite the sense of freedom and the joy - because of the err of someone associated with bicycles.

Give me a break. And I realize I'm being kind of callous here, but I've heard/read it a dozen times in the past few days and it's really starting to irritate me. It's sin. People sin. People abuse children, share needles, have sex outside of marriage, etc. It's not God's fault. It's people's fault. Lose your faith in people, that makes more sense.

And you know, on the one hand we blame God for all of the stupid things that people do, but on the other hand we seem to get a kick out of rejecting God because "Christianity is all about rules." Christianity is not all about rules, but there are rules. And there are rules so that children don't get abused and so people don't die of AIDS.

It's sin. Freakin' stop it already.

Three. Twitter, if you haven't heard me say this before, is rad and weird. You know that earthquake in LA the other day? I knew about it at least 13 minutes before you did. Because I have Tweople in CA.

Just sitting at my desk and my TwitterFox box started going crazy with "Earthquake!" "That was a huge earthquake!" If you searched Twitter for "earthquake" in those 13 minutes, you would get a results page of the most recent 25 or so. By the time you scrolled to the bottom of the page (and we're talking about 25, 140-character-at-most messages) there would be a small box at the top telling you, "There have been 1024 new Tweets matching your results since you searched. Would you like to refresh?"

By the time CNN had any info up about the magnitude or the 2.8 after-shock it was old news.

That's cool. And that's weird. Welcome to the digital revolution.

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