I'm going to do that thing where I blog about other blogs. Yup, deal with it. My reasoning is two-fold:
1. I've been out-done the past couple days. I can admit it.
2. I only have 9 minutes left of my lunch break.
True Love from FC Post on Vimeo.
That is a song/presentation that Fellowship Church in Texas did this past Resurrection Sunday. I dig the song and I really like how they used motion graphics over the video clips. The painting thing - eh.
Church Marketing Sucks interviewed Mark from Missio Dei church, which is part of the "New Monasticism" movement taking shape. (The interview reminded me of an interesting conversation we've been having at the CMS Lab.) I've not done enough looking into New Monasticism to really comment intelligently on it, but so far I like what I've seen. It seems to be mixing my affinity for DIY punk-house life with Jesus. Dare to dream.
One of their projects is the Jesus Manifesto, which is also right up my proverbial alley.
CMS also quoted an interesting take on some branding research featuring the masters of branding, Apple.
Remember the One Prayer video that was up a couple days ago? The website has been launched. I can't quite describe the feeling I got as I scrolled down the long list of churches who have already signed up to be a part of this. Suffice to say it was warm, and a little fuzzy.
The Plow posted a two-part interview with Matt Gilkerson about porn in our society. It's good ... in a really bad sort of way. Part 1. Part 2.
And Seth Godin, marketing guru, thinks I'm cool 'cause I use Firefox.
That should keep you busy.